Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cartoonz Freeware

Blog Name*:Cartoonz Freeware Paragraph*:Is free blog that allows anyone to watch their favourite shows from Family Guy, to the Simpsons. Name*:Jordan van Zyl Email* Website*: Upload image*:family_guy_ds.gif Visitor IP: Powered by EmailMeF...
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Friday, April 15, 2011

How to use addynamo and adsense text Ad codes in your blogger post

Addynamo and adsense best text ad placement is in your text. Many new bloggers and webmasters will crowd their page with huge skyscrapers and banners. Not that I disagree but over use is going to kill your blog appearance and lower your CTR. Using contextual ads text ads in your blog post will increase ad impressions and will have a higher...
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Guitar Mayhem

Blog Name*:Guitar Mayhem Paragraph*:A fun website with Interesting facts about famous guitarists and Bands. A few cool guitar riffs and solos. also some awesome videos of the legends like Hendrix, Kubain, Slash, Tom Morrelo etc. enjoy Name*:Duncan Hill Email* Website*: Upload image*:guitar.jpg Visitor...
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Blog Name*:ROYAL MARINES Paragraph*:Website is about the Royal Marine Commandoes. My blog will teach the reader about their history and show them how tough Royal Marine training is. There will also be a post to show how the reader can actually join the Royal Marines if they wish. Name*:kalwyn claassen Email* Website*: Upload...
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Horrid Celebs

Blog Name*:Horrid Celebs Paragraph*:We all love seeing celebs without makeup to remind us that they are normal beings just like us. Get the scoop on major stories and most importantly, see the celebs in all their shameful glory of being caught at their worst. Such a good laugh. We ALL have our bad days right? Name*:Nicolette Nicolette Email* Website*: Upload...
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Blog Name*:igirlflick Paragraph*:igirlflick is all you need to know on the latest in Fashion, Movies, books, etc... watch this space for the teens trending blog on whats hot and not. Get fashion tips , dating tips and lots more for any teen with style needs a fashion blog. Name*:Kate Rayson Email* Website*: Upload...
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Blog Name*:ibabyworld Paragraph*:ibabyworld provides you with all the information you need while rearing your little tots!!! Find our latest trends for toddlers and kids. All trends are for sale directly or from a trust network like amazon or ebay. iBabyworld blog has covered all your needs for the new mom or parent to raise healthy kids(mind...
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Kyle's Insurance

Blog Name*:Kyle's Insurance Paragraph*: My Blog is based on Insurance assistance, get help and quotes on the best insurance deals for family, cars and households. Business insurance needs assessment. Using our insurance schemes you will find the cheapest yet most trustworthy insurance packages.  Name*:Kyle Demaine Email* Website*: Upload...
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Blog Name*:Technofundi Paragraph*:Technofundi is a Technology Related Blog that is soley focused on delivering, News on the Latest Technology, Gadgets, Mobiles, Laptops and much more. Due to the many rapid changes in technology and as it become a growing industry of which human beings have become greatly reliant on, this blog will provide...
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Photo Blog

Blog Name*:Photo Blog Paragraph*: This blog was created to share my hobby and passion for photography! I will share many of my personal, favourite, very best and unique photos that I've taken!Taking photos is allot of, patience and skills to get that one in a million shot! It is also a great way to escape, feel free and relax! Name*:Martin...
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Monday, April 11, 2011

Movie Chat And Funny Stuff

Blog Name*:Movie Chat And Funny Stuff Paragraph*:Trailers of the best, latest, coolest, and most popular movies still to come or coming soon! Also some real funny photos, video clips and images of things I like and come across with that I want to share on my blog! Name*:Eunice Steenkamp Email* Website*: Upload...
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Blog Name*:Blackberry Paragraph*:All about the ins and outs thats got to do with, how to use it, customise it, install apps and so on. Name*:brenden Johnstone Email* Website*: Upload image*:nn.jpg Visitor IP: Powered by EmailMeF...
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Thursday, April 7, 2011


Blog Name*:bsemembers Paragraph*:Its about our lifestyle. Name*:Fergus Hopkins Email* Website*: Upload image*:w.bmp Visitor IP: Powered by EmailMeF...
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

iCrack and Hack

Blog Name*:iCrack and Hack Paragraph*:iCrack and Hack is a blog dedicated to showing Apple users how to get more out of your device. jailbreak, top ten, how many, how to, what does, free, api, downloads, unlock, iphone, ipad, ipodtouch, apple, Name*:Jordan van Zyl Email* Website*: Upload...
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How to create DisQus comments feed for blogger

DisQus has just launched their platform for blogger,wordpress,Java HTML and another platforms webmasters use. This post will teach you how to install DisQus for bloggers blogspot users. What is DisQus and how do we use it? Recently i was looking for an alternative for comments on my blogspot. You will notice that Blogger has a very closed...
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SA architecture

Blog Name*:SA architecture Paragraph*:My blog provides the opportunity for people to express and discuss their views on South African Arhitecture. Name*:Amy Byloo Email* Website*: Upload image*:Picture-132[1].png Visitor IP: Powered by EmailMeF...
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JHB Night Life

Blog Name*:JHB Night Life Paragraph*:This blog was created to share the many clubs and restaurants i have been to in and around johannesburg. If your looking for somewhere to dine anytime of the week, i do some great restaurant reviews on some of the top establishments in johannesburg or if you want to see whats parties are going down. come...
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The fall of humanity

Blog Name*:The fall of humanity Paragraph*:I created this blog in order to make people aware of whats really happening to our world, so that people are able to open their eyes as to what is really going on around them.This is The Fall of the Human Race Name*:ryan vogel Email* Website*: Upload...
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Architectural Jobs

Blog Name*:Architectural Jobs Paragraph*:Job Description of Architects: Architects design buildings and other structures. In addition to considering the way these buildings and structures look, they also make sure they are functional, safe, economical and suit the needs of the people who use them. Employment Facts for Architects: Architects...
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Blog Name*:Unrealreality Paragraph*: My blog is aimed at sharing and informing friends and colleagues about the local and social news in around our surrounding areas, with a light hearted approach making for an easy and interesting read.My blog content is funny but clean and is aimed at keeping everyone in the loop. Name*:Brad Broughton Email* Website*: Upload...
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Impact Disasterous

Blog Name*:impact disasterous Paragraph*:tells real stories about crazy and bizare acts of nature Name*:kalwyn claassen Email* Website*: Upload image*:article_PH2008081902869(1).jpg Visitor IP: Powered by EmailMeF...
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Monday, April 4, 2011


Blog Name*:iGadgetboy Paragraph* is a site that showcases the latest and most inovative gadgets and invensions on the market, from the worlds smallest camcorder to a one man helicopter, really dose have it all... Name*:Marc Rayson Email* Website*: Upload...
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Outdoor Fun in Winter

Blog Name*:outdoor fun in winter Paragraph*:This blog describes how you can make winter fun by becoming one with the elements and building your very own icerink,descriptions and pitures included. Name*:Ross Beswetherick Email* Website*: Upload image*:Image 2.png Visitor...
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Blog Name*:idohorseracing Paragraph*:Keep up to date with all your horse racing needs with results, tips and any horse racing upcoming event news. Name*:Tatum Joynt Email* Website*: Upload image*:idohorseracing.bmp Visitor IP: Powered by EmailMeF...
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Sunday, April 3, 2011

iClickMate For...
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Friday, April 1, 2011


Blog Name*:Youngerforlonger Paragraph*:Ways to keep you looking and feeling younger.Lazers, products, thermarge, plastic surgery, exercises, eating plans, recipies, supplements, growth hormone treatments, skin care, top ten, how to, best, easy, quickest, cheapest, easiest, simple, longest, fraxel, wrinkles, success, body, medical, treatments,...
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Weapons and Tactics

Blog Name*:Weapons and Tactics Paragraph*:Weapons and Tactic brings you information about latest and classic weapons, as well and combat equipment and techniques. Information on side arms, Rifles, Assault Rifles and Sub-machine guns is available here as well as self defence information. Visit the blog regularily for the latest info. Name*:Cedric...
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Create a QR code scan for blogger blog or Facebook Fan Page

The faster technology goes the faster you fall behind, iClickMate is here to break that barrier and show you only whats worth your while. Recently i have found a new way to promote your blog, webpage or facebook Fanpage by using QR code scan as the fuel of this source. Many mobiles have the feature of creating and scanning QR codes. Reason...
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How to Create mobile blogger template

Many new bloggers will never know that google blogger has a mobile template. This is the best way to attract mobile readers, with technology going as fast as it is now, before you know it most of your readers will be needing a mobile template for your blog or webpage. By using blogger they make it easy, you click one button and your...
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