Another reason i find addynamo the winner in affiliates networks is that they offer the best possible way to get paid /revenue for publishers, not only have they thought about publishers, but they think about teens that are publishers. Addynamo offers payment via a cheque ,savings or debit card transaction, along with paypal of coarse for international publishers. The minimum payout for addynamo is $20 whilst adsense is $100. Why i dont like paypal for affiliate payments is that i get deductions for using paypal(tax) every month, however using a debit or savings account i dont get any deductions from paypal. Accepting savings and debit cards with addynamo will empower many teens to start at a young age learning the blogsphere, hey im all for it, teens can bring on huge publicity. Addynamo has a very good pay out rate for new bloggers and webmasters, you dont need alot of traffic to make a generous living from blogging. Say you were getting 100 unique visitors a day and you had about 10 clicks you could make about $20 depending on what niche you choose. The network is fairly new so they still building their advertiser client base up, providing publishers with new ads almost daily, eventually when theres more of a demand the cost per click will increase.
Recently addynamo attacking google adsense with new and fresh ideas, some interesting news from addynamo is that they have launched an addynamo debit card. Addynamo has taken the extra step in manipulating what i call a win win situation.
The addynamo debit acrd features are:
- No matter what country you're based in, Ad Dynamo can pay you instantly.
- Because it's a Visa card, use it at most ATM's & stores worldwide
- Access our secure online banking to monitor the card & keep tabs on activity
Links you Might find usefull:
- Monetize you blog with iClickMates Top 10 to do list
- Get the latest tips and tricks in iClickMate SEO Fuel for Dummies
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