The rich and famous bloggers that started their business in high school. Many of us have had blogs, made them, publicized them and optimized them, however many of us dont make it this far, you realize this the day you decide to close your blog and never edit it again. These young men have carried their goals all the way to the top, they have become multi million airs from having great ambition and seeking the best advice on the internet, they have made it a far way. These a great role models for teens with ambition.
In 1996 Michael Furdyk, then 16, started, an online computer magazine, in the basement of his parents' home in suburban Toronto. His site was filled with tips and advice Furdyk gleaned in online chat rooms, where he came across fellow teenager Michael Hayman. Hayman, an Australian, moved to Toronto to help build the business. Running lean, the pair bartered for website storage space and office rent. Soon was bringing in $60,000 a month in ad revenue from blue-chip clients like Microsoft.
Note: In 1999 Furdyk, Hayman and a third partner sold the site to for "over $1 million," Furdyk told Forbes in 2010

In 2002, when Milun Tesovic was 16, he started a music website as a hobby, compiling lyrics to his favorite songs. Two years later he decided to turn it into a company. Today has a database of lyrics of 2 million songs; it licenses some of them, and others users post on the site for free. The company, now with 20 employees, makes money selling ads, and hit $1 million in revenue in 2007, when Tesovic was 21. Tesovic juggles work with classes at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada, where he is a business major. "For me education isn't helping me find a career," he says. "It's more about growing myself."
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