Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to get Free Traffic to your blog daily

I have been asked daily on how to get traffic to your website/blog for free, there is no true answer to this, and nothing will work unless you have lots of content to post, but once you have posted enough content then you should start developing a form of traffic to your site, currently i am only using 3 ways, and there is more than 100 000 000 ways to get free traffic, however i would like to share with you the best ways i have achieved traffic with very little work. Before i explain my 3 ways of free traffic i would like to point out more about generating free traffic to your blog.

Designing your blog does'nt go as far as making it pretty, it goes beyond looks, you need to hyperlink words in your blog that lead to other blog in your webpage, by doing this you will get users lost within your own blog, researching things through your hyperlinks. not only should you design for traffic but also clicks, so create a 250px by 250px advert in ad dynamo, make it text only, then incorporate this into your blog,if you need to know how follow this blog HERE halfway through "every" post or at the end of every post like i have, this way people will click on those ads thinking they part of your blog, please leave a comment if you would like me to post a blog on how to do this. Another good way to generate traffic is to research for similar topics on google, and then open the top 2 pages on google, open every website on the first two pages in google that relate to your blog in a similar way, now in their blogs you will find that they have a comments option, comment on his blog and incorporate your own blog web address in your comment, doing this is called a backlink, google loves this, it helps you get indexed by google way faster, also this will get you alot of traffic redirected from this page, all this is free why not do it? while you do that you need to be active on my blog and other blogs to get traffic from us, share our pages after you comment, then it helps you and it helps the blogger. Ask a blogger that has a similar webpage as you if he would like to exchange links, do this over email. You can hyperlink a word in your post to his webpage and he will do the favour in return, or he will ask you to mention his blog in a section called "related posts"
All these methods is a standard for getting traffic to your site, follow the below to get 6000 pageviews a day Free

Step 1: join and signup for facebook HERE. this is the leading social network in the world, there is many readers there that will read your blog.

Step 2: join stumbleupon HERE this is the best way to get traffic free.stumbleupon has silently taken a lead being 50% bigger than twitter this year. This is a social networking book marking site that you should use to post your blogs on.

step 3: join Digg HERE, this is a social network site for book marking interesting webpages you like, simply digg them to share them.

NOTE: For an easy way to add facebook,twitter,stumbleupon share buttons follow this blog HERE, it shows you how to add the floating buttons I have on the left hand side of my page you looking at now

read more "How to get Free Traffic to your blog daily"

How to submit a sitemap to google webmasters/Get indexed in 24 hours

A new blogger will always start a blog and wonder why their blogs cannot be found on google, leaving them annoyed, not having your blog on google means that you will get very little traffic and will have to email everyone your website link in order to get traffic, however iclickmate brings you a way to get your website or blog indexed with google in a few hours, maybe minutes....

Most people and bloggers that are relatively new to the blogging world think that you automatically get indexed by google, this is untrue, you also will not be ranked number 1 on google search engines unless you format your blog for SEO read HERE if you have not yet. you will also need to join every social network possible to interact with myself and other bloggers that you dont even know yet, between you all you can generte huge traffic to your site, so get to know all the social net works, ive listed the top 3 HERE for you to join if you have not yet...

now for the most important part, getting your sitemap submitted to Google, follow the steps below.

Step 1: go HERE and signup with google webmasters.

Step 2: "add site" now add your web address/URL. see below image.

Step 3: you will see on the left hand side there is different categories like " messages,dashboard,site configuration" click on site configuration, then click on submit a sitemap.***NB***

Step 4: This is the most important step , you will see that after you clicked submit sitemap theres a a box that pops up with your web address and an open space for you to fill in....copy this code below and paste it there

Step 5: click submit and you are done, you should see a green tick under status, if you dont see a green tick then you will have to wait a few mins or hours it should show up, however if it does not showup please comment,email or follow us on facebook fan page and i will help you.

NOTE: ok you are done now you can close google webmasters and view your blog, nothing has changed but your blog will be indexed in a few hours for everyone to search you, so make sure you have lots of posts so that people can search keywords related to your blog/posts. Google webmasters is a very powerfull administration tool for web designers/bloggers, i use this tool to see how many URLS are linked to my blog, see how many visits i get, you can also view how often and when last google crawled your website for new posts or new words. all these tools are vital for any blogger if you plan on bringing in loads of traffic. read HERE if you would like to know more about google webmasters and how to use it.

read more "How to submit a sitemap to google webmasters/Get indexed in 24 hours"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to change blog/website Favicon For Dummies

So you now own a blog and wish to change it a little and remove standard favicon that blogger has, this is the orange blogger logo you see at the top of you blog "tab" when you open a new window.

Having a new blog is alot to get used to thats why i make it easy for you, one thing however thats very hard to find is this tutorial, making your blog youor own can take some time, so stick with the program and stay updated. An important part of creating your blog is changing your favicon to make it custom to your liking making it look more authentic...IF YOU DONT HAVE A BLOG BUT WOULD LIKE ONE CLICK HERE

As you can see i have added my iclickmate logo favicon and removed the standard blogger logo, how do we do this? simple, follow the steps below, its takes about 3 mins to complete.

Step 1: create a 20px by 20px square PNG image file of your logo, then go HERE and upload your image and then click generate

Step 2: on the page you are taken to click the download button, see below!!

Step 3: save the file you are downloading, in that file pick this file in the image below, this is the image we will be working with. This file will have an extension .ico

Step 4: go HERE and upload your images for use as a photo choose file then click upload to stack. see below for images!!

Step 5: you now have an online image with a direct link. so copy the direct link PLEASE COPY THE WHOLE DIRECT LINK!!! now save this somewhere for later use in your steps below.

Step 6Log into your Blogger account and select: Dashboard>Layout>Edit HTML.
You will see a window with all the HTML mumble-jumbles you do not understand. Fret not, you only need
to find the code right at the top, that should look like this: NOTE: for a shortcut to find this code just press ctrl+f.....this will let you search for any code in your template.use it in future if you need it.
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
After the line of code:
on the next line, copy and paste this code below:
<link href='URL of your icon file' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/'/>

what you will notice is that in the code above i have "URL of your icon file", this means that you should copy the DIRECT LINK from step 4 and paste it there, look in my picture below, thats my direct link pasted in the same place it should be.

Step 7: save your template and view your blog. your does your blog look? let me know we would love to know.
For more TIPS&TRICKS with blogger click HERE

read more "How to change blog/website Favicon For Dummies"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to change feedburner subscribe box colour and size

i have had many of my readers ask me via email how did i change my feedburner subscribe box color to suit your blog/website theme, if you dont have feedburner and would like feedburner please follow this blog HERE, feedburner allows you to have an instant RSS feed on your website/blog, google offers this feature along with a subscription box for your blog, that readers can input their email and get instant emails every time you post a blog . If you have feedburner and would like to modify the JAVA/HTML code, don't be confused this is very easy. follow the steps below and have fun.....leave comments if you need help or leave comments for other usrs to see that this method works.

Step 1: open your blog dashboard and click on "design"

Step 2: you will now be on page on feedburner HTML box, this is where mine is, so i clicked on edit.

Step 3: you will see a code similar to my code below, i have highlighted the important part for this exercise, the "3px" is the thickness of your line, its also saying that its a solid line, your code will say that your line is 1px thin......change this as needed, look at my subscribe bar at the top of my page and judge what you would like, if my line is 3px then pick a line thicker or thinner. ok the second part is very easy, just choose the color, however if you don't know your color charts then you can search one online or follow the step below.

Step 4:  so you don't know your colour charts and need this step, click on template designer like in the pick below.

 Step 5: click on advanced like i have shown you below, that will put you on the page you see im on, the highlighted number is my color chart, just choose a color and that value will change, this value is the number you want to put in the feedburner code, so copy this code and head back to step 3, adjust the line pixel "example 3px".... now adjust the color and replace the color chart code with your code you copied from the color chart. now click save and close. view your blog....if you like it please share this with friends and comment thanx......FREE the knowledge

read more "How to change feedburner subscribe box colour and size"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ten reasons everyone should blog!!

Ten reasons that everyone should blog their interests.

Blogging ones interests is unseen by many people until the day they google someone elses interests leading them to an answer. The Internet is a network to bring continents back together, as Michio kaku a famous physicist from California stated that the Internet is nothing but an advanced telephone line. There is alot of truth in that. Ten reasons why everyone should blog their interests is more than about yourself and I will tell you why. Follow this blog if you two minded about starting your own blog

1: blogging will bring your interests and people alike to unit, be it a product or a service, so when you blog about something you like then you drawing those type of people towards you. Through a network you have choice what type of people you draw towards you making you the key player of opportunities that are ahead. Use this wisely as it will reflect who you are and what your intentions are. This could be a huge positive and a huge negative.

2. Blogging your interests will solve many peoples questions. This will be a knowledge base network for alike people.

3. If you have a product to promote then a blog is a great way to start to get people to know about it. This is the main intention of why the internet was invented. Promoting a product online could bring you huge profits in the long run.

4. If you blog about something that people research alot then maybe your site has a huge traffic flow, why not make money from something that you enjoy? By you placing adverts for affiliate networks you will be able to make huge profits from "renting" out a small space on you blog to Advertise. Everytime someone clicks your advert the you get paid. Read more HERE about how to start this free.

5. Blogging is a form of a diary for you life or service. This diary can be private for friends And family or be public to be exposed. The choice is yours and flexible. You could blog for a holiday trip and let your family view an online diary picture and video album about your trip. Why should they wait for facebook or till you print the pictures back at home to show them. Blogging this way is blogging a memory for life, it can't get lost technically it can but we trust our host providers.

6. A blog is known for simplicity, everyone can use a blog, it's no harder than using facebook , however ask any web developer and they will tell you that writing a webpage in HTML or java , flash ECT is no joke, it's time consuming. Where as a blog can be started and customized in 5min flat. So why would you want a website? Read below for the answer

7. Blogs are search engine optimized. As Many people already use blogger, iblog ect. These are well searched and relatively normal to google and other search engines. Finding your blog on google should be a breeze. Webpages could take between 2weeks to 6months to get indexed by google.

8. So what's the difference between a webpage and a blog? Well blogs a free;) they don't cost a cent for domain name and are capable of almost everything webpage domains can. So why do people get webpages. Basically they want their own name in the URL and not like I have. There are also forums which webpages are able to have. This can be over looked as blogs have comments and that forms a forum by the end of the post. red HERE how to start your own blog FREE

9. Blogs are easy to manage from a smartphone like iphone and blackberry. You can send videos, pictures and text , hotlink pictures or text all over your mobile. Making a blog is a travelers best friend. Nowdays with gps capabilities you can even post a blog with the location letting you know where everything was done. You can travel the world without a pen and paper but still write a book about the world.

10. A blog is free money. Really it's a free for all situation. Blogs can make serious profits for nothing but a little time. I blog because I like it. But it so happens that everyone else likes my blog too. Read more HERE about how to start making free money and earn a double salary by using my methods here below. Every trick I teach you will be free and will monetize your life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
read more "Ten reasons everyone should blog!!"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to Add your facebook fan page social RSS to your blog.

This feature is a hidden feature that bloggers dont know about so im here to help you learn and gain more traffic to you blog this will monetize your blog even more due to social networks integrated to your blog. Please follow the below steps to get you fan page to your blog. however if you just searched this page and landed here and you dont have Social RSS click HERE first before continuing with this blog, you need social RSS to complete this tutorial. if you dont have a facebook fan page and would like one to Monetize you blog please follow this blog HERE its all FREE to get your fan page. and if you dont have feedburner then first follow this blog HERE to get feedburner running its all FREE.

Now that we have all the above done we would ultimately like our webpages to have a facebook fan page social RSS feed to allow traffic that comes to our blogs to follow us on facebook.

step 1- go to your fan page, to do this login to your facebook account then click on ads and pages. see below image.

step 2- click on "add like box" under section 4(promote this page on your website)

step 3- you will be taken to the page below, and will need to get your fan page URL and paste it into the box provided. So to get this page URL go open a new window on your internet browser whilst kepping this one open. log on to you facebook page and follow step 1 again. Now copy the URL/internet address at the top of the browser and open the other browser page you are on labled "like box-facebook DEV" and paste it into that space provided named "Facebook page URL" if you need to then you can adjust the colour to light or dark in the options below.

step 4- click get code, then copy the "iframe" code.

step 5- open your blogger dashboard and click on design. see below!

step 6- click on "add gadget" like i have on my picture below, depending on where you would like this FEED on your blog/webpage.

step 7- scroll down until you find HTML/JAVA, this will give you a way to paste the code you copied into content box. save and close. save the template and view blog.  your done, your facebook fan page social RSS is now on your blog, brings you traffic both ways. If you would like more tips and tricks click HERE

read more "How to Add your facebook fan page social RSS to your blog."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How to add Social RSS to your facebook fan page.

Following up with My blog how to create a  facebook fan page for your blog HERE.

This blog will teach you how to add Social RSS to your fan page which we will then add this social RSS to your blog to let people follow you from facebook or you blog, this will help gain traffic from friends and family on social networking sites. Follow the steps below to get your Social RSS feed NOW!!

step 1- get feedburner, if you have not yet heard about feedburner please follow this blog HERE then catchup once you finished and complete this tutorial. If you have feedburner please go to step 2.

step 2 - on your home page of facebook you will see theres "ads and pages" click on that see below.

step 3- click on your fan page or create a new one.

step 4- in search bar type " social RSS" and you will have the option to click that app.....go to their page.

step 5- below the image will show that you need to add your feed URL to the social RSS and get your feed to your wall, so go to feedburner HERE and click on your website.

step 6- click "edit feed details". see below

step 7- copy your original feed that you can see below.

step 8- paste you feed URL to social RSS. go to social RSS page then paste in feed 1. below is the image.

step 9- scroll down the social RSS page and go look for website link, copy your website URL and paste it there, then scroll further down and find "send to your wall" click on YES to feed 1, then look below that for "auto like posts" click YES for feed 1. now click UPDATE.

step 10- click ALLOW permissions then click OK.

step 11- now close all your windows, open facebook again login and click on "ads and pages" like i showed you above in step 2. click on your fan page like i showed you in step 3. click on your RSS/Blog and you can see your feeds your done. hope this helped you all alot to get more traffic to your site, if you have any questions please leave a comment and i will help you.

step 12- follow our fan page to learn more money making tips and tricks for your blogs. IF you would like to know how to add your facebook fan page RSS to your blog please follow this blog HERE

read more "How to add Social RSS to your facebook fan page."

How to create a fan page to facebook for you blog/webpage.

I have often had questions about gaining traffic to my blogs, little to people know how easy this can be with a little help from friends. Most of your traffic will come from google whilst ALOT will come from social networking sites like facebook and twitter. So what do you need to do in order to get up to speed with all these social networking sites and ways of getting traffic? You Need a fan page for followers from facebook to easily find you everyday when browsing status updates and photos ect.

Most of you wont even be able to find the place on facebook that allows you to make a FREE fan page, so ive incorporated a free way to get your fan page and start getting traffic from facebook.

step 1-Signup with facebook or sign in to your facebook account.

step 2-  click HERE to start a new facebook fan page.

step 3- choose your category you fall into see below.

step 4- choose category with this category then name it and click get started.

step 5- you have now created your fan page, choose an image, most likely this would be your logo for you website.

step 6- click on edit page.

step 7- fill in the required information.

step 8- follow this blog HERE to get your social RSS on facebook fan page.

read more "How to create a fan page to facebook for you blog/webpage."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to add feedburner to your blogspot or webpage

Many of my friends wonder why their blogs dont take off as fast as others, well SEO search engine optimization is why! How can you improve your SEO? Setting up your website or blog entails having a way for your readers to receive a news letter with your latest posts every time you send a new post to your blog, how does one setup this feature may sound like hard work but its very simple and will have a huge kick back to your site traffic. If your website has a way to subscribe to your blog via RSS or email subscription then every person that likes your website and wants to follow it will get their email daily if you post that frequent making your webpage accessible without having to remember your site name or looking for a book mark. emails leave a long lasting impression if they received daily and will give you huge daily visits due to emails being open..Ok all this sounds great but hard to setup right? NO wrong!!! follow these steps below to get your blog running email subscriptions via feedburner. Feedburner is a google based feature and FREE so make use of it and publicize your blog NOW!!

step 1- go to feedburner and signup HERE 

step 2- go to your webpage, copy the URL and paste it in the feedburner site like i have below.

step 3- pick if you have atom or RSS like i have below.

step 4- Here feedburner will let you choose a name for your feed title that everyone will see, this should have your webpage name, if you want you can change it but i dont advise this. below the title feedburner is actually giving you your feed address that can be used in many ways, however this post i will not show you whats the address for. CLICK NEXT!!!

step 5- click next again!!!

step 6- click next and choose to see "Clickthroughs — How often people click items back to your site"

step 7- you will now see a help page will all types of platforms, assuming you are on BLOGGER. below will teach you how to setup each type of feed.....but im here to help, so skip that and lets get down to setting up this feed.

step 8- click publicize then click email subscription, see below for images!!

step 9- click on activate

step 10- this is the most important part, two ways to install this on your website, you can either copy and paste the JAVAscript/HTML and paste in your website gadgets. or simply you could just "use widget in blogger" see below image for help. Then click GO!!!!

step 11- select your website in the drop down bar see below!! then click add widget!!

step 12- you will be taken to your blogs "page elements" there will be a gadget that says "subscribe via email" that is you new feedburner.....move that page element anywhere you would like on your page then click save and view blog!!!

step 13- your done!! if you need more TIPS on SEO please view this webpage HERE

read more "How to add feedburner to your blogspot or webpage"

Facebook and twitter, digg share buttons: how to get a floating social share button

Optimizing your webpage for traffic is very important in many aspects, however making it easy for a reader to share your webpage with friends is most important, since the age of social networking came about the amount of traffic to websites rapidly increased, this shows webmasters the utility of these tools, so make use of them in many way. My blog tutorial will help you add a simple but effective share button that floats on the left of your screen like this one on my webpage.

step 1-go to blogger home/dashboard

step 2- click on design

step 3-  on page elemets click "add gadget"

step 4- scroll down till you see java/HTML and click on that.

step 5- add this code to the content box.

<!-- floating page sharers Start>
#pageshare {position:fixed; bottom:15%;left:20px; float:left; border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;background-color:#fff;padding:0 0 2px 0;z-index:10;}
#pageshare .sbutton {float:left;clear:both;margin:5px 5px 0 5px;}
.fb_share_count_top {width:48px !important;}
.fb_share_count_top, .fb_share_count_inner {-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}
.FBConnectButton_Small, .FBConnectButton_RTL_Small {width:49px !important; -moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}
.FBConnectButton_Small .FBConnectButton_Text {padding:2px 2px 3px !important;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;font-size:8px;}
<div id='pageshare' title="Get this from">
<div class='sbutton' id='fb'>
<a name="fb_share" type="box_count" href="">Share</a><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div class='sbutton' id='rt'>
<script src="" type='text/javascript'></script>
<div class='sbutton' id='su'>
<script src=""></script>
<div class='sbutton' id='digg'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<a class="DiggThisButton DiggMedium"></a>
<div class='sbutton' id='gb'>
<a class='google-buzz-button' data-button-style='normal-count' href='' title='post on google buzz'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<div style="clear: both;font-size: 9px;text-align:center;"><a href="">Get this</a></div>
<!-- floating page sharers End -->

step 6- save and close then view your blog and your done. enjoy!!

read more "Facebook and twitter, digg share buttons: how to get a floating social share button"

How to setup your website for SEO:

What is SEO?
SEO is search engine optimization, but why is this important most of you many ask, well getting huge traffic to your site will require you to have some kind of SEO structured so you get traffic, firstly is to understand how google robots search your blog. Google robots are like little girls in your town that talk and gossip about everything, and within a few hours or days the story gets spread around the town. Well if you can conceptualize that then you know how google robots work. So lets start optimizing your webpage.

How do we get traffic to our website by using SEO tricks?

1-incorporate social networking
You have proberly been watching your website traffic on google analytics or on your blogspot dashboard, now you have searched for ways to increase traffic, leading you to my blog. First and most important is to use social networking sites for instance facebook, twitter,dig,buzz ect are all great ways of getting traffic to your sites, ask friends to bookmark and share your website, as this will spread around the internet like girls gossip. Doing this will get google robots to “know” aslso known as crawl your site better and faster due to links to your site incoming from social networking sites. Why is this a good way, its because google crawls social networking sites very often due to their frequent use.

2-Keyword use 
To get SEO right you need to blog the right words that are related to your blogs, why? Well if you want people to search your website then you going to have to know how to write for their searches. For instance like my iphone site HERE. Ive mentioned the word iphone app many times, aswel as the app i am writing about, this will bring people to search my blog more, as they are keywords people use to find that category on the internet. By using gooogle trends you are able to find these keywords that your site needs, just pick about 4 keywords for every post.

3-Monetize with Keywords
Your adverts display more or less adverts that relate to your post in your blog. So if you write about to many things and topics in one post then your adverts will be all mixed up and might not relate to your post due to way to much “different” information. So in every post try and keep to your topic to increase you adverts consistency, this will increase clicks to your site and increase revenue.

4-submit your website to other search engines
Ok most of use think there is only google in this world and forget that many people use other search engines. So by adding your website to many different search engines, you will get all the traffic possible.

5-Have Dynamic content on your site 
Message Board, Links Directory, Guest Book, Online Search, Picture Gallery, Quote of the day, News items, Site Search, Links Engine ... It all makes for a more enjoyable experience for your visitors ... and interested visitors come back.

6-Add a search box 
so people can search your blog for other posts. Most people forget this when starting out. 

7-Give away freebies to your followers
This will create a talk about your blog. like on freeiphonehub we give away free iphones every 3 months.

8-submit a sitemap to google webmasters
Last but not least making your website attractive and social is not enough, you need to submit a sitemap to google webmasters to allow people to find your website on google, try search for your website on google by searching site:”http://name of”. If it does not come up then you need to submit a sitemap for google to find you.

Follow this blog HERE to learn how to submit a sitemap to google webmasters.

read more "How to setup your website for SEO:"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How to get advertisers adverts on your webpage

By now you have read tutorial one HERE and are ready to start earning the cash we keep talking about, let’s cut the talk and get down to it then.

Step 1: What type of advertising would you like?
 There are three types of methods using advertising on your webpage CPC(cost per click),CPM(cost per thousand page views/impressions)  and CPA(cost per action), I will explain further, the best is basically CPC for now, when you start off like me I use cost per click, it pays if you not getting over 3000 page views a day, don’t be fooled it’s a very powerful way of generating income, you could earn anywhere from R4000,00 to R56 000 a month if you use some tricks I will teach you. This method pays for all the free things I hand out on other websites. This helps generate even more traffic to your site. If you have a huge trafficking website then I would suggest you pick the CPM method making an agreement with an advertiser based on a highest bid for your advert space on your website, you could bargain with an advertiser to pay you R1000,00 a day for advertising, that’s only for one advert space, let’s say you have 6 advert spaces on your blog then you can do the math for income in a month. The other method being CPA this is a cost per action for instance you could sell other peoples products on Amazon and for every product you sell (not click on) but actually sell, then you get a nice percentage of that products price, so the higher value of the product the better cash you can generate, so if you chasing money then maybe your blog should be promote this product and this will generate an nice traffic and income, as percentages in this method average at 16% to 24% so the math is your choice here. However I use CPC and I think you should as well if you just starting out, you can always adjust your advert space at a later stage to what’s best for your webpage.

Step 2: Use PayPal as a universal account for revenue!!

NOTE: update this has changed, you dont need paypal anymore, you can use a savings account or debit account, skip this and proceed to step 3.
You need to get paid by the advertisers in a secure way. With lots of proof and backup, using PayPal as your account to receive revenue is a bonus, you can use this account for importing and exporting at a later stage, so get used to it and love it, it’s used everywhere on the internet, there’s even mobile iphone and blackberry apps for this. So go to PayPal and signup for an account its FREE, make sure you have a visa or MasterCard ECT some sort of current account card that’s capable of internet transactions. If you don’t have a bank card that’s capable of this please stop here in this tutorial and apply for one, as you cannot grow without this in your life. I’m assuming most of you have a bank card like this already.

Get PayPal HERE

Step 3: Which affiliate market place should I join?
So which affiliate market place should I join to get adverts? Well if you live in South Africa like I do, then you would want to use AD DYNAMO(so sign up )---->HERE
If you have any troubles signing up please leave a comment or email me so i can help you further. its really simple so i did'nt bother to show you how to fill in straight forward forms.

Why do I want to use this affiliate market place, well let me break it down. If you’re and advertiser would you like to have your advert clicked by locals or by people that are far across the sea that your products wouldn’t be relevant to? Or would you like to pay locals more for more clicks based on the more relevant due to location? Well as you guess you would like to get your ad more localized.
So as a publisher we will pick an advert affiliate market that’s local based, ad dynamo pays very well for south African traffic, however if you have lots of international traffic like from Europe or American then I suggest you use ADBRITE like I do for my other sites. Clicksor is another great affiliate market, I use then as well for sites that generate American traffic, however this blog is about ad dynamo because my friends are from South Africa and this blog is for them. Ad dynamo pays minimum of R3,65 per click on and advert, not per sale. Now you do the math of how much you could make in a day then a month. Then times that by 10 websites or so in the future. Understand why you need timeless content? Eventually ad dynamo will pay even more per click, like R20,00 a click when you have lots of traffic like I have, but even R6,80 is a nice price to site on. Ad dynamo will advertise their adverts on your webpage based on what you blogging about, so your adverts will change automatically, which is nice. So how does ad dynamo place ads on your webpage? They have a auction online with advertisers your webpage gets the highest bid then they pay you for that advert displayed and clicked, meaning they will always put the highest paying adverts on you website making you the most cash possible, so organizing your adverts is all automatic for now and easy to install, everything is free so exploit that. Your ads will change all the time leaving a professional look on your site. Please sign up for ad dynamo and use it to pay your PayPal account you just created.

Step 4: How to place ad dynamo ad code into blogger webpage?
Sign in to your blogger account webpage and then in a new window/tab open ad dynamo webpage, click on channels then click on manage sites then click add site.

Click on your website blog URL and copy, now paste it on the ad dynamo add site, stay in channels, then click on web then click create new channel.

Pick a name for your channel, then pick advert type, you can choose text or images or both, i like images, although text works well in certain spaces, i will elaborate in a later post. Pick the size of your channel (advert) you get all different types to suit your needs, there are square 250x250pixel and 240x600pixel skyscrapers. There’s a preview in pink, it’s on the right hand side, and it shows you the size. Pick one that suits your blog webpage.

 Now you will see the get code symbol on the right, click on this, it will generate a JAVA script/HTML code, highlight it and copy this code. don't be scared if this code is not legible to you, its computer lingo.

now go to blogger on your dashboard/home and click on design

 now click on page elements, click on “add gadget”

scroll down till you see JAVA/HTML. Now paste the ad dynamo code you generated prior to this in content. Click done.

Then click preview/view blog. That’s it, you now have a blog with adverts on it and when they clicked you get your ad dynamo account payout on a minimum of R100,00 to your PayPal account which is directly linked to your bank account which automatically pays you. You can now generate new adverts in ad dynamo to place all over your pace, image, text adverts are all an option so pick wisely. To test this you may click your own advert once to see the revenue change in ad dynamo. However please don’t do this every day or do you will be banned from ad dynamo. These clicks are fraudulent and known as illegal as you are clicking without intention to buy the product. Getting friends to click fine if they are interested in the service or product and would like to inquire.

Step 5: Now that I have adverts on my webpage what should I do?
Well this is the fun part, getting traffic to your site, I will explain many methods that I have used and succeeded with. Getting your webpage optimized is priority before you want to drive traffic, first because your first impression is the most important one. Another factor the next blog will teach you is how to get ranked in Google search engine so people can find you blog easily but searching any word in any of your posts leading them to your website, this shouts out that you need to start preparing rich content, original content, as cut copy and paste won’t work from other sites, it will cause you to have less chance of getting ranked because the stuff you coping is already ranked by Google and is most definitely at the top of Google pages, so prepare your own stuff, this leads me back to my point that you need to know what you blogging about so you always have original content. So flip to the next tutorial for learning tips and tricks to get your website at the top of Google search engine

read more "How to get advertisers adverts on your webpage"


TUTORIAL 1: how to find out what niche is right and what webpage to start.

Step 1-Signup for blogger
Ok by now you have been thinking way to make cash online, and you have come to the right place, I have learnt the hard way and I’m giving it to you the easy way. So how do we get started, go to HERE, here is blogger, this website hosts your websites on their server free, additionally if you really want you can build a test webpage and see if it works then purchase your own domain name once you have seen it’s a good niche, I however use the free version because it has the same features as paid version(domain name) I need. I don’t see why you would want your own domain name unless you want this blog for corporate reasons. So go ahead and signup for a free account.

Step 2-Think of what content to write about
Once you have your free account don’t start a new blog yet, think about what’s a good niche, this may take a week or a day, but whatever you do don’t just start a blog because it’s what you like, unless what you like is a high searched keyword on Google. Like iphone!! So how do we know what’s the best niche to choose. This is the important part, I suggest you write what we call “timeless” content, this is content that doesn’t get old, why would you write about timeless content? Well if you plan to write news then it’s not going to be researched as much as something like recipes, holidays by timeless content   you should pick something that you VERY familiar with as this website will be needing new updates and articles often and I will tell you why in a later tutorial. If you know what you writing about it makes life a lot easier as a blogger, imagine writing about something you don’t know, you would waste too much time!! Also pick a media type that is rife at the moment and something that people take time to think about it!!!

Step 3-Research google trends for an idea
This is part of step two!! Go to ,this is your tool to now test your media type, say for soccer or iphone, you would search “iphone,soccer” this would produce a graph of how often these words are searched, meaning that the more searched the word is the better media you have chosen. These are called keywords, they will help your SEO “search engine optimization” this will help you get more traffic( people) to your blog, making you more cash as there’s more chances your adverts( ads) get clicked. So spend time on Google trends and pick what’s best that you know and has the highest search rate.
Step 4-go to blogger and chose a name, choose a smart name that’s easy to pickup and learn from viewing it once, a catchy name works great like ZOOT or whatever you like.....try pick a name that’s similar to something that’s already popular, like LEVIstresses or parisHEELSTON, or simply CMYK. These types of names work well, but try relating it to what you working with.....if you need help just comment and we can discuss this.

Step 4-WRITE LOTS of content(timeless and original)
Write your header name and start writing timeless content, this will come in handy very soon, start writing now!!! There’s no time to waste, you need many articles so that when you need content to submit you have it at hand, you can start submitting Google has time to find (crawl) your webpage and find keywords that let users find your webpage based on what your articles are about, see what I mean you choose who you attract?
For now I would like to leave you there for a day and give you time to ponder about your name and content CAREFULLY, this step will help you leaps and bounds if chosen wisely, sorry to stress this point so much but you need to know your content as people will be asking questions ect and need input.

NOTES: this is not a lot of work, if you enjoy it then you should like writing about it. Please note this not only applies to writing articles, you are welcome to blog about jokes, pictures, just videos, anything that interests you that has a great niche. We will include everything in your webpage regarding that topic....if you are a fast thinker I urge you on to think about another 3 names that you would like to open a webpage about and write the mean time I will write out your next tutorial, setting up your webpage to get cash and helping you get recognised by Google faster than ever.....and why it’s important....we will also learn how to sell your own products through your website due to high traffic, making you an exporter, importing will also be included in future blogs.
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