Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to submit a sitemap to google webmasters/Get indexed in 24 hours

A new blogger will always start a blog and wonder why their blogs cannot be found on google, leaving them annoyed, not having your blog on google means that you will get very little traffic and will have to email everyone your website link in order to get traffic, however iclickmate brings you a way to get your website or blog indexed with google in a few hours, maybe minutes....

Most people and bloggers that are relatively new to the blogging world think that you automatically get indexed by google, this is untrue, you also will not be ranked number 1 on google search engines unless you format your blog for SEO read HERE if you have not yet. you will also need to join every social network possible to interact with myself and other bloggers that you dont even know yet, between you all you can generte huge traffic to your site, so get to know all the social net works, ive listed the top 3 HERE for you to join if you have not yet...

now for the most important part, getting your sitemap submitted to Google, follow the steps below.

Step 1: go HERE and signup with google webmasters.

Step 2: "add site" now add your web address/URL. see below image.

Step 3: you will see on the left hand side there is different categories like " messages,dashboard,site configuration" click on site configuration, then click on submit a sitemap.***NB***

Step 4: This is the most important step , you will see that after you clicked submit sitemap theres a a box that pops up with your web address and an open space for you to fill in....copy this code below and paste it there

Step 5: click submit and you are done, you should see a green tick under status, if you dont see a green tick then you will have to wait a few mins or hours it should show up, however if it does not showup please comment,email or follow us on facebook fan page and i will help you.

NOTE: ok you are done now you can close google webmasters and view your blog, nothing has changed but your blog will be indexed in a few hours for everyone to search you, so make sure you have lots of posts so that people can search keywords related to your blog/posts. Google webmasters is a very powerfull administration tool for web designers/bloggers, i use this tool to see how many URLS are linked to my blog, see how many visits i get, you can also view how often and when last google crawled your website for new posts or new words. all these tools are vital for any blogger if you plan on bringing in loads of traffic. read HERE if you would like to know more about google webmasters and how to use it.

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